Monday, September 30, 2013

Baker's Dozen

Didn't take much time to sew yesterday or today but I now have 13 blocks with one border. The second border is pieces and I got the strips laid out but not quite done sewing them together.

Block with 1st border:

Daring Greatly - Source of Scarcity

"The world has never been an easy place..."

What I have learned so far from this book is that the goal is to live a Wholehearted life and in order to do this I need to be engaged, show up as myself. To be engaged requires a willingness and ability to be vulnerable.

The author, Brene' Brown, talks about the events of the past decade and how things like 9/11, war, and random shootings have torn at everyone's sense of safety. Rather than engaging with each other to heal this damage, generally speaking, we are taking it out on each other.

I look back at the events in my own life over the past few years and I can see a similar pattern. I used to trust that I was a partner with husband but events and his silence regarding a promise he made me have shattered my foundation for this trust (it hasn't tumbled down completely but it wobbles quite a bit now). As a result, I've disengaged from him and from the idea of us being partners working toward a common goal.

Just from the few pages I've read of this book, I know I have to figure out how to re-engage. I have no interest in living the rest of my life with a man I don't trust and in spite of many attempts, I don't want to live without him. So, I have a few changes to make and I trust the Universe will send me help when I need it to make these changes.

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